(PHP 5 >= 5.0.5)
SoapClient::__setSoapHeaders — Sets SOAP headers for subsequent calls.
Defines headers to be sent along with the SOAP requests.
Замечание: Calling this method will replace any previous values.
The headers to be set. If not specified, the headers will be deleted.
Возвращает TRUE в случае успешного завершения или FALSE в случае возникновения ошибки.
Пример #1 SoapClient::__setSoapHeaders() example
<?php$client = new SoapClient(null, array('location' => "http://localhost/soap.php", 'uri' => "http://test-uri/"));$header = new SoapHeader('http://soapinterop.org/echoheader/', 'echoMeStringRequest', 'hello world');$client->__setSoapHeaders($header);$client->__soapCall("echoVoid", null);?>
Пример #2 Set Multiple Headers
<?php$client = new SoapClient(null, array('location' => "http://localhost/soap.php", 'uri' => "http://test-uri/"));$headers = array();$headers[] = new SoapHeader('http://soapinterop.org/echoheader/', 'echoMeStringRequest', 'hello world');$headers[] = new SoapHeader('http://soapinterop.org/echoheader/', 'echoMeStringRequest', 'hello world again');$client->__setSoapHeaders($headers);$client->__soapCall("echoVoid", null);?>