db++, made by the German company » Concept asa, is a relational
database system with high performance and low memory and disk
usage in mind. While providing SQL as an additional language
interface, it is not really a SQL database in the first place but
provides its own AQL query language which is much more influenced
by the relational algebra than SQL is.
Concept asa always had an interest in supporting open source
languages, db++ has had Perl and Tcl call interfaces for years
now and uses Tcl as its internal stored procedure language.
ВниманиеЭто расширение является
ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫМ. Поведение этого расширения,
включая имена его функций и относящуюся к нему документацию, может
измениться в последующих версиях PHP без уведомления. Используйте
это расширение на свой страх и риск.