$px = px_new();
/* make up a date as it could be stored in */
/* a date field of a paradox db. */
/* 700000 days since 1.1.0000. */
$days = 700000;
/* Use the calendar functions to print a */
/* human readable format of the date */
echo jdtogregorian($days+1721425)."\n";
/* Turn it into a timestamp as it stored in a paradox database */
/* Timestamps are stored in milli seconds since 1.1.0000 */
$stamp = $days * 86400.0 * 1000.0;
/* Add one hour */
$stamp += 3600000.0;
/* The following will output '7/15/1917 01:00:00'. */
echo px_timestamp2string($px, $stamp, "n/d/Y H:i:s")."\n";
Результат выполнения данного примера:
7/15/1917 01:00:00